Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Office Redo

So the people who resided in our lovely home before we bought it, had children. Obviously judging by the 'lovely' decor in what we desired to be our office. We did not think to take pictures until I already started, but picture an entire room that looks like this (except, ya know, with an addition of me):

My first battle was to get rid of the butterfly and flower wallpaper border. I am sure that it was quite nice for a little girl, but it wasn't cutting in for adults without kids. Apparently there is a bit of a learning curve when learning to remove wallpaper. My first attempt looked like this...

But thankfully I got better at it as I went along. So the game plan was to paint 3 walls a dark chocolate color and then do a light blue accent wall with a repeating stencil. Progress picture:

The brown is peat moss by Valspar and the blue... I can't remember, also by Valspar (I swear I will look it up and update). The lesson here is that stenciling is tedious. It took a few days with a couple of lovely assistants (Thanks to Ash and my love) to get done.

 And for the record, bookshelf styling is my favorite part. I get slightly obsessive about the bookshelf. That took me a solid hour to decide upon. Definitely pleased with the progress in this room.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Early Adventures

My love and I have lived in our fabulous first home for approximately 6 weeks so far. We have learned A Lot along the way. We have had to purchase power tools! And learn to use them! Let me take you on a walk through one of the projects we have taken on- The master bathroom. Let me tell you, it left a lot to be desired.

Builder basic medicine cabinet, vanity lights, and mildewed  towel bar! So Exciting! Plus walls that had yet to meet anything other than factory grade white in all their 15 years of existence. That business had to go.

So we grabbed some paint (Phantom Lake by Rodda), turned to the interwebs in all its wisdom to teach us to change out a light fixture, hung a new mirror and towel bar, and had a vastly improved area for our daily ablutions.
We still have quite a bit to do, but for a quick and fairly budget friendly fix, it is sufficient. It still needs art on the walls, an oil rubbed bronze faucet to match the rest of the ORB themed fixtures, and really needs new shower doors. But we're taking this thing one step at a time...

Better, yes?

Also- apologies for crappy iPhone pictures, but we have yet to find the camera battery charger amongst the boxes...

Thursday, September 6, 2012


This is Poohzalah (Poo-zuh-la, long for Pooh). She runs the universe. Or at very least believes that she does. "Palace" may be a bit of a grandiose term for the humble abode in which her minions dwell, but then again she believes she runs the universe.

This is said palace. My love and I are in charge of running the place. I figure this little blog will be a fabulous place to keep any family and friends that may be interested up to date on the various and sundry happenings around here. Mostly of the trials and errors that we encounter as we blunder through our experiment in home ownership. I suspect that some random musings and absurdity will also find it's way here. I intend to post whenever the mood strikes, which may be often or I may never be heard from again. We shall see :) 

Either way: Welcome!